A journey to recovery

Struggling with a serious drug addiction, Justin felt lost and isolated. He knew he needed help but wasn't sure where to turn. That's when he discovered WellSense.

Becoming a member of the WellSense community was a turning point in Justin's life. Over the next three years, the comprehensive care that WellSense provided had a “positively impactful” influence on his life. From multiple visits to rehab and recovery programs to traveling across the state to find the help he needed, WellSense was by Justin's side every step of the way.

Justin likens the care he received from WellSense to that of a family. As he prepares to step out of the financial bracket that qualifies him for our services in New Hampshire, he finds himself filled with a mix of emotions - excitement for a new career and a healthier life ahead, but also a sense of loss. "I literally feel like I am losing a family when I think about losing your program," Justin shares.

But Justin's story doesn't end with his leaving WellSense. Instead, it represents a new beginning, a new chapter in his life that has been significantly influenced by the care and support he received from WellSense. 

Names and locations have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals involved.