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We got you.

Offering the lowest-cost ConnectorCare plans in 2024!*

If you’re losing MassHealth coverage, we have other low-cost health insurance plans for you.  WellSense Health Plan offers the lowest-cost* ConnectorCare plans to those who qualify. Learn more about your options and see if you can get help paying your premiums.


You may still qualify for healthcare savings through the state health insurance marketplace, the Massachusetts Health Connector.

Choose a WellSense plan on the marketplace and get important benefits like:

  • Monthly premiums as low as $0
  • $0 preventive care visits
  • Specialist and hospital visits
  • Prescription drug coverage
  • Mental health services and substance use disorder support
  • 24/7 nurse advice line | Telehealth appointments
  • Help treating chronic conditions
  • No referrals for in-network specialists

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ConnectorCare Plans

Plans for individuals and families who qualify for help paying their health insurance premiums.

Explore ConnectorCare Plans


Qualified Health Plans

Coverage for individuals and families who obtain insurance on the Massachusetts Health Connector. Some members may also qualify for savings.

Explore Qualified Health Plans

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Learn the differences between a MassHealth and Health Connector plan

MassHealth plans Health Connector plans
Yes, at
Yes, at

MassHealth plans Health Connector plans

$0 premiums

Members who qualify for ConnectorCare plans get the most help and may have premiums as low as $0 per month. Members of Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans may qualify for savings that lower premiums.

Amount a member pays out-of-pocket for covered services before their health plan starts to pay.

MassHealth plans Health Connector plans


Deductible amounts are different for each plan. They can be found during the shopping process while comparing plans on MAhealth

Fees a member pays for  services or medications

MassHealth plans Health Connector plans

Members have small prescription copays that differ by drug type. Members have no copays for covered services.

Members have prescription copays that differ by drug type. Members have copays for medical visits. Costs are available in a plan’s benefit documents.

Defines which doctors are available under a plan

MassHealth plans Health Connector plans

Members must use primary care providers (PCPs) and specialists in their plan’s network.

Members must use primary care providers (PCPs) and specialists in their plan’s network. See if preferred doctors are available at the start of the online shopping process.

MassHealth plans Health Connector plans

Vary based on plans.

Vary based on plans.

If you're new to the Health Connector, here's what to expect:


Shop for a plan

Find out what you're eligible for and compare plans at

Monthly premiums

Depending on your income, you may need to pay a monthly premium. Some people will qualify for reduced premiums and others may pay as low as $0 per month.

A deductible is the amount you'll pay out-of-pocket for covered services before your health plan starts to pay. Deductible amounts vary by plan.
Copays are fees you'll pay for services, medical visits or prescription medications. Costs are available in a plan’s benefit documents.
Provider network

You'll need to use primary care providers and specialists in your plan’s network. WellSense MassHealth and Health Connector plans share many of the same doctors.

Member extras
WellSense offers extra benefits such as free shipping on Mom's Meals orders, vision discounts, fitness reimbursements and more. Pay attention to the extra benefits a plan offers as you're shopping.

More information

*WellSense Health Plan offers the lowest-cost ConnectorCare plans in all of the regions that we serve for 2024. Please see the current year's Evidence of Coverage and Schedule of Benefits for specific information on each plan, or additional information including which benefits, services and medications are covered or non-covered on our plan- and any restrictions or guidelines we must follow before providing them. You can find doctors and hospitals in our network here, see our privacy practices, and learn how we make sure you get the right care at the right time with our Utilization Management policy.